Tuesday, June 24, 2008

An Unexpected Lifting..

Ok guys, I know this is not a "Sunday Inspiration" post such as my last but I just HAD to post this video. I was just browsing around on youtube and came across this video of Tamela Mann singing the song "Step Aside" and....something just came over me. I don't know....maybe the lifting was only meant for me but I just HAD to post this! My Goodness....this has to be for somebody else too. When I tell you a good relieving but joyful cry? Didn't expect this lifting at 7pm today nor did I think I needed it but I got it.

Watch it in its entirety...


fuzzy said...

Why did this song just open me up on the inside?

GI said...

I'll even comment on my own post. This is a powerful one here. By the time she got to the end of this, everything was at full blast. I can't stop watching it. It opened something up in me as well.

life said...

I love moments like the one u experienced.